Since this is more of a "build" than a "restoration", I decided to just fabricate some basic, lightweight panels to give it a semi-finished look. I used 1/4" Luaun that I cut to shape and covered it in generic black automotive fabric. Contact cement is a beautiful thing. The sheet metal got two coats of rattle-can truck bed spray. The old weather seal in the hatch was powder, so I got a replacement from , it fit like a glove and I only had to trim 1" to butt the ends. I ran out of Fall, so the plywood floor goes in shortly and I need front seats. The factory units are toast, so I'm looking at newer seats as a "make-fit". I'm eye-balling some Passat seats on Craigslist. Dark grey fabric, manual adjust with lumbar... we'll see...
I'll update with a few more pics when the interior is in nearly complete condition...
UPDATE: the Passat seats won't work with the AMC seat tracks... very different design. I did get to spend an hour talking cars... still worth the trip...
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